meet my 1950’s pink atlas sewing machine

Sewing machines come in all shapes & sizes. Currently, my Tiger Lily sewing studio has 6 different sewing machines.

I know. I know. I can hear you now!

Holy Moly! You can only sew on one at a time, why so many?

Let me explain. :)

Well to a sewing & quilting junky…..fabric is our 1st “crack” addition. (Can we ever have too much? No, I don’t think so either!)

And for me, sewing machines are becoming a close 2nd place runner up.


The most recent addition to the Tiger Lily machine family is this beautiful Pink Atlas.

Picture it. Beautiful day, February 2020 (Pre-COVID crazy) at the local Goodwill is Leesburg, VA.

I’m doing my normal scouting for fabulous sweaters that need to live their next best life as a one of a kind Tiger Lily Gnome. After sweater hunting, I venture back into the furniture, household goods area…..because to be honest, I might have a little problem collecting project furniture that I will bring back to life with a few coats of Annie Sloan paint. Do I need another end table? No, I do not!  But, you just never know what gems you are going to find…..but I digress.

On the floor, back in the back….was this tattered old sewing machine box. After spending what seemed like 10 minutes to figure out the crazy vintage metal clasp thingy to open it…..I got her open. OH MY GOSH! It’s a PINK sewing machine. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen. Stickered at $24.99. I knew I had to have her in my life! My first thought was, I have a artist friend who made a lamp out of old sewing machine parts…how adorable would a pink sewing machine lamp look in my studio. YES!

She weighed an ever loving ton, but I got her paid for and loaded up into my car.

I was like a kid on Christmas morning when I got home.  I opened the box up and found out not only was she a gorgeous piece of sewing history, she came with her original box of attachments, instruction manual….AND when I plugged her in she started up. Oh my goodness, she’s not going to be a lamp….I can sew with this beauty.

Then became my obsession to find out all the things about the beauty. Google to the rescue!

The original Atlas sewing machine company lasted for about 40 years, from 1874 to 1914, yet there is very little information on the company. Then in the 1950s and 60s, there was another Atlas sewing machine produced by Brother. Those machines were famous for their bright colors. Manufactured in Japan, sold in the states by Brother. Made of all metal parts (not a piece of plastic on this beauty), she weighs over 30lbs.

She sold for $219.50 in the 1950s. Quite a pretty penny for 70 years ago.

Although, she did turn on and the needle would go up and down with the pedal….she was in dire need of some TLC before I could truly see what she was capable of.  Thankfully I’ve got a guy. A wonderful local sewing machine repair man who keeps all my machine running in tip top shape! He was excited for the the challenge to bring this beauty back to life.

2 weeks later he returned her to me and said “This is a workhorse! Industrial machine fast and super straight.”

OMG! She sews like a dream.

Doesn’t have the bells and whistles of the new modern machines with their automatic foot, knee bars, thread cutters..and so much more…..BUT she also doesn’t have a computer that thinks it knows better. I can set all the knobs & dials, and sew straight for hours and hours, not missing a beat.

When I first bought this beauty, I thought she was just going to be a pretty decoration…..nope, she works just as hard as my fancy machines AND she looks gorgeous doing it!  That’s 100% my type of girl!

What machine do I need next? What is your favorite?

Drop me a comment if you are here. (Or if you are shy, that’s ok too. Maybe after a few posts you can wave Hi 😊)

Until next time.



Kari aka Tiger Lily


For Fun – Here’s a full list of the Tiger Lily Studio Machines:

Husqvarna Lena

Husqvarna Sapphire

Husqvarna Serger

Babylock Coronet Long Arm

Bernina 790 Plus

Vintage Pink Atlas

10 replies
  1. Holly
    Holly says:

    I’m looking for a throat plate cover for my pink Atlas Leah. I’m having no luck whatsoever. It’s the only part I need for her. Thank you for any help! I sew with her but really want the cover. I’ve heard a Brother Citation uses this same part. Helphelphelp!

  2. Dawn
    Dawn says:

    Hello, I just got my hands on an Atlas pink sewing machine. I’m in love!!! I plan to use mine as well. Beautiful well made machine. I’m so excited. Thank you for sharing. Hugs, Beverly

  3. Jean Elbert
    Jean Elbert says:

    Hi, I collect the old black head Singer sewing machines the 99’s and
    the 301 models I had a 1229E Husqvarna and I sold it sorry I did that but now will be looking for an Atlas I have a Bernina and a
    Baby lock but my workhorse are my older vintage machines.
    Yes the Thrip Shops are great places to shop.

  4. Jean Elbert
    Jean Elbert says:

    Hi, I collect the old black head Singer sewing machines the 99’s and
    the 301 models I had a 1229E Husqvarna and I sold it sorry I did that but now will be looking for an Atlas I have a Bernina and a
    Baby lock but my workhorse are my older vintage

  5. Cecile S
    Cecile S says:

    Like you, I was looking for something else to complete a project lamp and stumpleb upon the same old box with vintage clamps. My heart started bouncing when I opened and saw the color!! This lady was going with me. She also has all her attachments and instruction booklet. Even the light still works. I will be oiling her and see what she can do. This is the best little find I’ve stumbled upon in a ling time!! I can’t stop smiling.

  6. JoAnn Boss
    JoAnn Boss says:

    I just found this same Atlas treasure at a goodwill today. Reading your article , is exactly how I feel now. Mine is the deluxe. Beautiful bright pink and bonus, it works and runs smooth. It looks like it was just put away after use and not touched for yrs. It also has the original case. I can’t wait to see how it sews. I also have a guy, a wonderful sewing machine service guy. He works on all of my machines. I have about 8 machines now. I sold off a few. Thanks for the article.

  7. Leslie Ingram
    Leslie Ingram says:

    Hi I’m so glad I found your blog! I just took out the pink atlas that belonged to my husband’s grandmother. It’s in beautiful shape. I don’t even think she used all the attachments. I learn to sew from my mom on a Sears & Roebuck that was in the early 1970’s. That was my first love ! Lol ! When I married my hubby bought me my own, it was used & held up for more than 20yrs( they just don’t make them like they used too). I’ve been through a few since then. I’ve given my kids my old ones. My beautiful Singer 160 yr anniversary model just started giving my trouble, so my husband said (give grandmas a try) as scared as I was to my surprise, I LOVE it! I don’t care a lot about all the bells & whistles, I’m fine with just forward & reverse ! But I do have the attachments if needed!!

  8. Leslie Ingram
    Leslie Ingram says:

    Hi I’m so glad I found your blog! I just took out the pink atlas that belonged to my husband’s grandmother. It’s in beautiful shape. I don’t even think she used all the attachments. I learn to sew from my mom on a Sears & Roebuck that was in the early 1970’s. That was my first love ! Lol ! When I married my hubby bought me my own, it was used & held up for more than 20yrs( they just don’t make them like they used too). I’ve been through a few since then. I’ve given my kids my old ones. My beautiful Singer 160 yr anniversary model just started giving my trouble, so my husband said (give grandmas a try) as scared as I was to my surprise, I LOVE it! I don’t care a lot about all the bells & whistles, I’m fine with just forward & reverse ! But I do have the attachments if needed!!

  9. Lee
    Lee says:

    I have a pink atlas deluxe with all accessories, hardcover, and table mount. I’d love it to go to someone who is passionate about these things. Don’t really know the best way to get it in good hands. Maybe tiger Lilly can help.


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